What is DHEA-S?

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, also known as DHEA-S, is a hormone produced primarily in the adrenal glands. After being produce, DHEA-S is converted into testosterone and other sex hormones. Lower DHEA-S levels are found in people with Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, depression, diabetes, inflammation, immune disorders, and osteoporosis.

There is reasonable evidence that increasing DHEA-S levels may help in the treatment of depression, obesity, and osteoporosis.  There are some papers that have shown that individuals with higher DHEA-S levels live longer – however, this conclusion is far from proven.

How is a DHEA-S Measured?

Measuring DHEA-S requires a simple blood test. There is no need to be fasting, and it does not matter what time of day it is drawn.

How is Low DHEA-S Treated?

Once you and your physician decide that DHEA-S supplementation is appropriate, DHEA-S is simply taken as a daily pill.  Starting dosage is usually 25 mg daily. As with all supplements, it is important that it come from a reputable and safe supplement company that continually checks its products for purity.

Have a question or want to schedule an appointment?

Board-certified, fellowship-trained urologists staff Tower Men’s Health. We will pair you with one of our many experienced physicians to help address any concerns you may have and help you on your journey towards improved quality of life. Feel free to reach out to the physicians at Tower Men’s Health at 310-854-9898.