To a standing room only crowd in the medical library, Dr. Dudley Danoff discussed his newly published book – Male Sexual Health.

Danoff Remarks Danoff reviewed the evolution of his book, the problems in bringing it to market and the national response to its content.

Drawing comparisons and contrasts to the current women’s health care movement, Danoff outlined current issues in male sexual health. With his legendary wit and scrupulous attention to current medical practice, he reviewed issues surrounding prostate abnormalities in an increasingly aging male population. The rising interest in male sexual health as a result of a youth-oriented culture was analyzed. The topic of male sexuality was explored through several interesting clinical vignettes.

The anatomic and physiologic bases of premature ejaculation were briefly discussed.

The Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Medical Library holds author receptions on a regular basis for any member of the staff who has published a book.

Leo A. Gordon MD, FACS
Coordinator, Special Programs
The Department of Surgery